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Largest Professional Voice Over Agency In The World


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Type in your script, add music or effects


Order voice over for your project with audio back in 24h*

Create a voice over for a podcast intro, radio jingle, DJ drop or anything else your heart desires in just a few clicks. Our professional voiceover artists can record your script for your audio or video with an array of styles, languages and accents. Looking for corporate audio? No problem! Whether you are looking for a traditional English radio voice or more of a US movie style voiceovers we have them all. Music, sound effects and post production can be added to your voice over to make your audio sound amazing. We can also provide AI voice overs with a human production touch.

We have Excellent rating on Trustpilot, dedicated customer support team, clients in 120+ different countries and over 1000 orders delivered each month. You will not find a better place for all of your voice over needs.

* If 24h delivery selected. Standard delivery times 2-3 working days.






Voice Over FAQs

What Is a Voice Over?

Voice over is effectively a recording made by a professional voice artist. It is a term commonly used by DJs, radio stations, radio personalities, TV stations, podcasters and businesses. Voice over is an excellent way to provide an information to your audience in a professional matter. You can typically order a voice over on it's own or add further production values such as music, vocal effects and sound effects.

What Extra Information To Give To Your Voice Over Artist?

In the comments box on each voice over page you can leave notes on the style of delivery you would like for your voice over order. Provide details such as the speed of reading, mood, more details about the audience and pronunciation guide for any tricky words. Don't worry if you don't have any specific guidance. All of our voice over artists are full time professionals and are able to turn your script into something special.

How To Best Format Your Voice Over Script?

When providing your script to the voice actor ensure to include punctuations. Those are by far the most freequent reason for any revisions we make (or more specifically lack of them!). Use "..." to indicate where to pause. Include full stops so that we know where each sentence finishes and starts. It is a simple thing that can make a big impact on how your voice over is read. Take time to browse through our voice over talents to find the perfect voice for your jingle or ads.

How To Provide Pronunciation For Your Voice Over?

You can easily record any instructions or pronunciation using this link: https://www.speakpipe.com/musicradiocreative

Our team will be able to get it immediately. You can also send us any links or files directly via email to help@musicradiocreative.com

Why Buy Voice Overs From Us?

There are many voice over services online. There are not many however offering the full service. This is what makes us stand apart from our competitors. When working with Music Radio Creative you can be sure of the following:

- Every voice artist on our list is a full time voice over. They use expensive, high quality recording equipment and this ensures that your order will be of superior quality.

- You can discuss your order requirements with real people. Our customer service team specialises in audio and is available daily to answer your questions.

- We take quality control seriously. Before the order is completed there will be at least 3 actual human beings listening to it to approve it. Voice
over, audio producer and audio specialist.

Plant Trees With Voice Overs

You have read this right! Our team at Music Radio Creative is commited to the environemnt. Every single voice over order you place in our store plants an actual tree in one of the most desperate areas of the world. You can view our ever growing forest here.

How To Choose The Best Voiceover?

When choosing the voiceover for your next project start with narrowing language or accent of your voice actor. Then focus on gender and age. Try to make those fit to your listening demographic. All of our voiceovers are professional voice actors and can follow instructions to the tea. If in doubt try browing by "best selling" and see who is trending with our customers right now.

Talk To Us About Your Voice Overs

Have any questions? Unsure which voice over to get? Or perhaps you have larger amount of scripts. Get in touch! Our team will help guide you through the process.

What Can a Voiceover Be Used For?

There are so many different uses for professional vocal cords :) Radio presenters often look for a professional voice sound to add to their radio jingles. Good voice comes in handy for radio broadcasting, levelling experience of listening to podcasts, video games, DJ sets and so much more. Voice acting is a real thing and can diferenciate your project from the rest! We only work with high quality, professional voice over talents who are voice acting for a living.

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